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Seasonal promotions from Latimer

Here you'll find the latest information on any seasonal promotions we're running. Check back later if offers have ended. Keep an eye on developments you're interested in for unique offers that may be available.

Make your rent work for you

Demand for rental properties surged by 23% between January and December 2022 alone, while the number of rental properties listed declined.

In this environment; why be a renter, when you could buy with shared ownership for less than you currently pay in rent?

In 2024, there's no better time to invest in your future and start your home ownership journey.

Latimer by Clarion Housing Group has many new-build shared ownership homes available across the country including York and Manchester to London, East Anglia and the south.

You might be pleasantly surprised by the monthly cost for a shared ownership home when compared to average rental values in your area.

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