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Privacy notice

Latimer by Clarion Housing Group is the development arm of Clarion Housing Association Limited and Latimer Developments Limited, both are part of the Clarion Housing Group. We need to process personal data in order to deliver our services to you, as applicable:

  • To develop, market, log interest and sell shared ownership and private properties and to manage our website.
  • To manage the staircasing process (purchasing further percentages of shared ownership properties).
  • To deliver on our Group ambition to ‘transform lives and communities’.

We receive personal data relating to you from you directly, but sometimes this will be provided to us by third parties with whom you have a separate relationship (such as your solicitor).

We use your data as applicable to facilitate property sales and other related services, manage the staircasing process, correspond with you, meet our legal obligations and improve our website and our products and services.

The legal basis for processing personal data about you falls into one of the following four categories:

  1. To meet our obligations under a contract (your lease) - or because you have asked us to do something with a view to entering into a contract with you;
  2. In order to further Latimer’s (or a third party’s) legitimate interests. Our legitimate interests include: ensuring that we monitor, analyse, deliver and improve our services to you and your household members; to properly manage our business; to respond to your enquiries, and promoting our services. We will look to balance your interests with our legitimate interests where we rely on this category;
  3. Where we have a legal obligation to do so; and/or
  4. To protect the vital interests of you, your family or others.

We are committed to treating your information securely, with respect and in line with data protection law.

This privacy notice tells you what to expect when Latimer processes your personal information. It applies to information about any individuals who have dealings with Latimer, including visitors to our website.

This is the main privacy notice for Latimer. If you go on to receive any other services from the Clarion Housing Group, you will be referred to the relevant Clarion Housing Group Privacy Notices which can be found on the Clarion Housing Group website.

It is important for you to read this notice in full to understand what information we hold about you, how we may use it and your rights in relation to your data. However, we have also produced a summary version explaining why ‘Privacy Matters at Latimer’.

Latimer Developments Limited and Clarion Housing Association Limited are subsidiaries of Clarion Housing Group Limited. Where purchasing a shared ownership property or staircasing (purchasing an additional percentage in an existing shared ownership property), you will be contracting with Clarion Housing Association Limited. Where purchasing a private sale property, you will contract with Latimer Developments Limited.

Clarion Housing Group includes a number of other subsidiary organisations such as Grange and Clarion Futures. Please see our registered company information, including registration details and registered offices of all the entities associated with Clarion.

We keep our privacy notice under regular review and we will place any updates on our website. If you would like to receive a hard copy of our current privacy notice, please let us know.

For further information you can contact the Data Protection Officer as follows:

The Data Protection Officer

Clarion Housing Group Ltd
Greater London House
Fifth floor
Hampstead Road
London NW1 7QX.

For independent advice about data protection, privacy, e-privacy and data sharing issues, you can contact the Information Commissioner. (Lots of useful information is accessible on their website):

Information Commissioner

Wycliffe House, Water Lane
Cheshire SK9 5AF

Phone: 0303 123 1113

