Brookfields, West Sussex
Family homes in the historic West Sussex village of Pulborough. Surrounded by the rolling countryside of the South Downs and close to the coast, all within reach of London. Available to buy through market sale and shared ownership.
The development offers first time buyers and those priced out of the area the chance to own their own home through Government-funded schemes such as Help to Buy and shared ownership.
The site is popular with families due to the excellent location and range of local amenities. Highly-regarded schools as well as the two landscaped play areas for children on the site add to the appeal.
The site
Clarion Housing Group purchased 43 Section 106 units from CALA Homes in 2016 through a land and development agreement. The tenure is split with 21 for affordable rent and 22 for shared ownership.
A further 76 homes were purchased from CALA in 2017 giving Latimer full control of the 4 hectare rural site for development.